Protection of Data Privacy Information conformable to Art. 13 GDPR
By this Protection of Data Privacy Information we provide to you the necessary information about the handling and usage of your personnel data at POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics GmbH, its branches, affiliated companies, departments, and groups. According to Art. GDPR, personnel data describes all information directly and indirectly affiliated with you as a person.
Private information and personal data
Polytech Health & Aesthetics GmbH collects and processes information (paper and digital format).
This information includes:
• Master data (name, surname, academic title, hospital)
• Data on surgical experience
• Feedback on product usage, performance and surgical procedure
• Business contact and communication data
Purpose of Collection and Handling
Polytech Health & Aesthetics GmbH solely collects and uses your personal data for business relationship reasons that are admissible within the scope of business operations and business purposes:
• Conduction of standard feedback for internal understanding of the learning curve of the product
• Conduction of standard feedback for internal understanding of product advantages and disadvantages as well as recommendation rate
• Feedback for preferred usage on the product
• Conduction of standard feedback for regulatory purposes internal, for LipoGrafter manufacturer (if applicable for the product ) and notified bodies and license holder
Additional collection and usage of your personal data, other than the ones listed, only occur if the purpose is compatible with the relationship. In case of further processing of your personal data, we are going to inform you and, if applicable, ask for your consent.
Your Data Security Rights
Your data security rights are defined in Section III (Art. 12 ff.) of the General European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Based on this regulation, it is your right to receive information about the usage, time of storage, and possible transmission to third parties of your saved personal data.
To make use of your right to information, you can request abstracts or copies. In case of incorrect data or a deviation from the original collection purpose, you have the right to demand a correction, deletion, or limitation of usage. As far as implemented in the data processing procedure, you also have the possibility to personally review and correct your data.
Given the processing and handling of your data is based on legitimate interest, you still have the right to disagree with the handling of your personal data in the event of a special personal situation that gives reason against the processing. In such cases, we are only going to use your data in particularly compelling interests.
POLYTECH does not perform profiling activities as described by the GDPR.
Legal Basis for the Usage and Processing of Your Personal Data
The data is collected and used if mandated by law or necessary based on a contract or based on a consent you signed.
Transmission of Your Personal Information
Your personal data are only transmitted to or shared with external sites if instructed by legal norms. Moreover, previous explained legitimate interests on the part of Polytech Health & Aesthetics GmbH or other external sites are also a reason for transmission as long as they conform with the data security regulations.
Responsible entity for the Handling and Processing of Your Personal Data
The responsible and accountable entity for the collection, handling, processing, and usage of your data is Polytech Health & Aesthetics GmbH, Altheimer Straße 32, 64846 Dieburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Complaints about the Handling and Processing of Your Personal Data
In case of doubt or questions in regard to the handling of your personal data, please refer to your Human Resources Department, the internal data security official, the data security surveillance authority and:
Data Security Official, POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics GmbH
Michael Coors
+49(0)171 2157123
Der Hessische Datenschutzbeauftragte
Postfach 3163
65021 Wiesbaden
Duration of Data Storage
Your personal data are only saved as long as the data is used for relationship reasons, for the original reason of collection, or for the compliance with legal or contractual storage requirements.