B-Lite® lightweight implants

Innovation designed to deliver beautiful natural looking breasts over time


Your success is our success

For over 30 years at POLYTECH we have lived by a simple truth, we can only be successful if our surgeons are successful. For us, every surgeon is important and unique.

What does success mean for you?

Whilst we respect and embrace uniqueness, we hear surgeons who regularly use B-Lite® implants say that they help drive their personal success by:

  • Delivering extremely high patient satisfaction
  • Delivering continuous surgical improvement and offering meaningful innovation
  • Differentiating their practice and driving business growth


ContactMade in Germany

Implant weight in the tissue results in ptosis over time

About lightness

Heavier breast implant weight increases the stress on the surrounding tissues and so increases the risk of ptosis over time1.

More weight = more stress

B-Lite® is specifically designed to reduce the long-term unwanted impact of implant weight and pressure on the breast tissue. The implants are designed to provide a more predictable long term natural look and feel.

  • Up to ~30% less weight than traditional implants
  • B-Lite® implants exert the same pressure on the lower pole as traditional implants that are half the size (a 300 ml B-Lite® implant exterts the same pressure as a 145ml traditional implant*)

The benefits of reduced weight with B-Lite® implants over traditional implants:

  • They exert less pressure and stress on the tissue reducing the impact of gravity as a woman’s breasts age 
  • They reduce the dynamic forces on the breast tissues resulting in less stretching from dynamic movement
  • They provide greater daily comfort
  • The patient can have the desired increased breast volume with less total weight.

Innovation you can feel

A decade of research and development has resulted in our unique composite B-Lite® gel.

Made by the combination of the latest generation of cohesive silicone gel bonded with lightweight microspheres designed for the space industry.

Made in the USA specifically for POLYTECH - a form stable gel of this unique composite means up to 30% less weight compared to traditional implants.



97.1% of patients with the B-Lite® microtextured implants were reoperation free at 6 years2.

As a surgeon you can be confident: by using B-Lite® lightweight implants you can achieve the desired aesthetic outcomes in combination with the long-term safety you need.

Regular breast screening is highly recommended for early detection of breast cancer for women over 403.

  • B-Lite® implants are 100% MRI compatible.

  • B-Lite® implants are designed to provide unique advantages in imaging studies vs. traditional silicone implants.

  • Under Mammography the B-Lite® gel is more translucent than silicone resulting in greater clarity and transparency.4

  • Under Ultrasound imagery with B-Lite® implants: less artefacts and better shell definition when compared to traditional silicone implants.5


B-Lite® was introduced in 2013 and is used and recommended by leading surgeons in over 40 countries worldwide.

Reduced pressure and force on the breast tissues helps minimise the common side effects caused by implant weight.

Extremely low rate of adverse events and side effects.

The POLYTECH Implants of Excellence programme includes B-Lite® implants. POLYTECH is the only breast implant company committed to a proactive annual patient follow-up programme to track patient outcomes and the performance of its implants over an extended period.

  • 95%of surgeons were very satisfied or satisfied with the aesthetic result6

  • 96% of patients reported that their breasts had a soft & natural feel6

  • 95% of surgeons judged their patients were very satisfied or satisfied overall with B-Lite® 6

I was one of the first surgeons to adopt B-Lite® into my practice. I find B-Lite® provides me and my patients with a more predictable and natural augmentation over time.

– Dr. med. Thomas Rappl, Graz, Austria



B-Lite® portfolio – a range of surfaces to meet surgeons and patients needs

POLYTECH now provides B-Lite® lightweight implants in a range of textures and with a proprietary implant coating with Microthane®.

POLYTECH implants are independently tested by the State Materials Testing Institute Darmstadt and classified with EN ISO 14607 : 2018 – the only official and shared classification method.

B-Lite® MESMO® (fine textured implants)

Introducing B-Lite® lightweight MESMO® - fine microtextured implants that combine the unique lightweight gel and advanced shell construction with a MESMO® surface. Available in three projections: Moderate, High and  Extra High in both anatomical and round shape.

B-Lite® Microthane®

Introducing B-Lite® lightweight Microthane® implants that combine the unique lightweight gel with POLYTECH’s micro-polyurethane foam covered surface. Available in three projections: Moderate, High and Extra High in both round and anatomical shapes.

Read more about POLYTECH surfaces here 

The B-Lite® lightweight implants were invented by Dr. Jacky Govrin-Yehudain, having witnessed the effects of gravity on breast tissue in thousands of women.


*Demonstrated for anatomical high profile identically shaped implants
1) Vegas MR, Martin del Yerro JL, Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2013;37(5):922-930; doi:10.1007/s00266-013-0197-y. Epub 2013 Aug 14
2) Long term follow up of 827 B-Lite® patients (2019), G&G Data on file
3) Recommendations from the American College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
4) B-Lite® in Mammography (2017), G&G Data on file
5) B-Lite® in Ultrasound (2017), G&G Data on file
6) G&G Report B-Lite® Survey(2017), Data on file
7) Govrin-Yehudain, Jacky et al: Lightweight Breast Implants: A Novel Solution for Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction Mammaplasty, Aesthet Surg J. 2015 Nov; 35(8): 965–971. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjv080