As the only German manufacturer of breast implants, with over 30 years of experience, POLYTECH is continuously responding to questions and inquiries from surgeons and patients. For your convenience, we have gathered the most common questions and their respective answers:
I want to have surgery with POLYTECH implants, how can I find a doctor that works with your implants near me?
- You can find the list of surgeons that are experienced with our products in some countries in our clinic finder.
- If you can’t find the surgeon in your region, find the local contact details in our official distributor finder.
Can I buy POLYTECH implants as a patient?
- POLYTECH only sells its products to surgeons and to the official POLYTECH distributors. However, some countries allow patients to buy implants directly. You will have to contact the local POLYTECH representative in your region for more details. Find your local POLYTECH partner here.
- If you live in a country where you can’t buy our implants directly, don’t worry: your surgeon will take care of everything. If you have not chosen a surgeon yet, you can find surgeons who have experience with POLYTECH in some countries in our clinic-finder.
How can I buy POLYTECH implants as a surgeon or clinic?
- You can buy POLYTECH implants through our local representative in your region (direct POLYTECH office or the local POLYTECH partner). You can find the contact details in our official distributor finder.
- If your country is not listed, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. You can reach us through social media @polytechhealth or at info[at]
What is the price of breast implants?
- Prices vary according to the model, size, and even the country due to local taxes. Your surgeon can always contact the official POLYTECH distributor in your country - who will provide the necessary information.
- You can find the links to surgeons and distributors in question #1.
Where is POLYTECH located?
- POLYTECH headquarters are located in Dieburg, Germany.
- We are the only manufacturer of breast implants and body contouring implants, which are manufactured exclusively In Germany.
- From our local facilities, we distribute our products to more than 80 countries worldwide.
How long do breast implants last? When should I replace my implants?
- Many people believe that breast implants have a lifespan of ten years and then will need to be replaced. But that's not true – as long as you do not have any problems with your breast implants and there are no complications diagnosed in your annual exams, you do not need to replace your implants. A common reason for replacement is the wish to change the size or shape of the implants. It is important to have your regular check-ups with your surgeon (at least once a year).
- To help you feel safe, we offer to patients our warranty programme “Implants of Excellence”. You can find more details below.
What is the “Implants of Excellence” programme? Who can participate in it?
- The Implants of Excellence warranty programme was developed to increase your satisfaction and boost your confidence when choosing POLYTECH implants. In case of a Baker grade III or IV capsular contracture we offer patients who are registered a free replacement implant for:
- Up to 10 years post-surgery for all breast implants including B-Lite® with a MESMO® or POLYtxt® surface.
Up to 15 years post-surgery, including rotation, for all breast implants with a Microthane® surface. - Any patient who underwent an aesthetic or reconstructive surgery procedure with POLYTECH breast or gluteal implants, including secondary breast augmentation, may register to the programme within 6 months post-surgery.
- The registration is free and is renewed periodically by participating in our annual survey. To register please CLICK HERE
- Read more on our Implants of Excellence programme here.
Certain textured implants were removed from the market in France and are only available on special request in Australia, are they safe?
- The position of the French Health Authority ANSM and the Australian Health Authority TGA is currently not shared by any other country in Europe or Asia. The United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has stated their disagreement on a general ban of textured breast implants and has invited only one breast manufacturer – Allergan – to perform a voluntary recall6. So, with the exception of few countries, among them France, Australia and Egypt, you still may have surgery with all types of textured breast implants.
- In extensive studies published to date, it was evaluated that women with breast implants are not subjected to a higher risk of developing breast cancer than women without implants1-5. Recent publications also mention BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma); its incidence rate is calculated by the FDA as 1:2,800 to 1:300,000 over the lifetime of a woman with breast implants, compared to breast cancer with a lifetime risk of 1 in 8 women (with or without implants). The reason why BIA-ALCL develops is still unknown, but guidelines are in place to ensure early diagnosis, which in turn leads to a timely treatment and a good prognosis.7
- We believe that patient education should be transparent, not only with regard to BIA-ALCL, but to any possible complication.
- The more informed you are, the safer you will feel regarding surgery. Read more safety information here.
You have a wide variety of breast implants: should I choose smooth or textured? Round or anatomical? B-Lite®, SublimeLine® or Diagon\Gel®4Two?
- We are happy to offer breast implants that cater to the needs and wishes of each patient. To do so, we provide a wide variety of more than 1,500 breast implant types. During consultation, your surgeon will guide you through the options and help you make the best decision for you, based on your personal conditions, needs and preferences.
- As a patient, it is always good to be informed. If you want to read about all our breast implant types, you can do so here.
1. American Council On Science And Health (1996) Silicone breast implants: why has science been ignored? (German translation available from POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics GmbH)
2. The report of the independent review group (1998) Silicone breast implants. Crown, London
3. Friis, S., McLaughlin, J.K., Mellemkjaer, L., Kjoller, K.H., Blot, .J., Boice, J.D. Jr., Fraumeni, J.F. Jr., Olsen, J.H. (1997) Breast implants and cancer Risk in Denmark. International Journal of Cancer 71, 956-958
4. Deapen, D.M., Bernstein, L., Brody, G.S., (1997) Are breast implants anticarcinogenic? A 14-year follow-up of the Los Angeles study. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 99, 1346-1353
5. Bryant, H., Brasher, P. (1998) Breast implants and breast cancer – reanalysis of a linkage study. N. Eng. J. Med. 332, 1535-1539
7. Clemens, M.W., Jacobsen E.D., Horwitz S.M. (2019): 2019 NCCN Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Aesthet Surg J. 2019 Jan 1;39(Supplement_1):S3-S13. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjy331.